Amateras can be adopted for any types of dome projection systems.
Single fisheye/mirror projection in inflatable domes, multi-projection systems,
or even in high-end 8K projection domes.
The high usability is guaranteed for any circumstances.

For medium size dome theaters, use two or three projectors with wide or
fish-eye lens to fill the whole dome screen. Single computer with multi-output works in this setup.
Simple to use, and no need to care about synchronization.

For high-resolution dome with multiple projectors, use several computers to get enough playback performance.
Amateras has server-client mode to synchronize networked computers.

To prevent using unstable long video cables, you can place each computer
beside the projector, and connect them with LAN.
Delay of audio-visual output caused by video extender devices can be adjusted on Amateras.

Computers nowadays can apply distortion and blending, called "Slicing",
in real-time up to 3K (3072 x 3072 pixels resolution at 30 fps).
For higher resolution movies, use Amateras to slice them.